Codes of Conduct
1.0 Purpose/Scope
1.1 This work instruction describes how to achieve a secure and good environment at Techni AS
2.0 Responsibilities and Authorities
2.1 HSE Manager is responsible for ensuring this procedure is followed.
3.0 References and Definitions
3.1 References
3.1.1 This document relates to clause 4.1 of the EN 9100 Rev D standard.
4.0 Instructions
4.1 General guidelines
Company ethics are about more than avoiding contravention of any law; they are about how we behave towards each other and the outside world. Everybody associated with Techni AS is responsible for following the rules and guidelines that build on Techni AS basic values and that form attitudes we can be proud of. At Techni AS, we want everyone to be involved in this and help create a sound company culture based on satisfaction and security.
The organization shall ensure that employees and people working on its behalf are aware of:
• Their contribution to product or service conformity • Their contribution to product safety
• The importance of ethical behaviour
Techni AS guidelines for company ethics apply to members of the board, managers and other employees of Techni AS as well as others acting on behalf of Techni AS. It is the line managers' responsibility to make sure everybody is aware of, and complies with, these guidelines. As a Techni AS employee, it is your duty to read and follow the guidelines. Those who infringe Techni AS rules and guidelines must be prepared to face the consequences that are in line with the infringement's type and scope.
4.1.1 Human worth
Techni AS supports the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. No one shall in any way cause or contribute to the violation or circumvention of human rights. We place great importance on ensuring the compliance with employees' basic human rights as outlined in the International Labor Organization's core conventions.
Human Trafficking
We expect our suppliers to not engage in the use of forced, bonded
(including debt bondage) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery, or trafficking of persons. This includes transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring, or receiving vulnerable persons by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction, or fraud for the purpose of exploitation.
Child Labor
We expect our suppliers to ensure that child labor is not used in the performance of work. The term “child” refers to any person under the minimum legal age for employment where the work is performed.
4.1.2 Working environment
Techni AS shall be a professional and positive workplace with an inclusive working environment. Therefore, you shall behave with respect and integrity towards anyone you come into contact with through your work. You shall help create an environment free from any discrimination, be it due to religion, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race or disability and free from bullying, harassment or similar. We do not tolerate any behaviour that can be perceived as degrading or threatening.
4.1.3 Health and the environment
Techni AS shall be a pioneer in the field of health, safety and environment so as to promote high levels of satisfaction and good health. You share a responsibility for achieving this goal.
Loyality, impartiality and conflict of interest.
Techni AS respects the individual employee's right to a private life and private interests, but demands openness and loyalty to the group and the group's interests. You shall never take part in or attempt to influence a decision or settlement if there is a conflict of interest or other circumstances exist, which could give grounds to question one's impartiality. Should a conflict of interest arise you shall on your own initiative evaluate and notify your immediate superior of your partiality or the conflict of interest.
4.1.4 Confidentiality
Every employee in Techni AS has a duty of confidentiality by law and written agreement. You shall keep confidential all corporate and other matters that could provide third parties unauthorized access to confidential information, and exercise caution when discussing internal affairs so as to avoid being overheard by unauthorized persons. The duty of confidentiality also applies after the conclusion of employment or contractual relationship with Techni AS for as long as the information is considered to be of a sensitive nature or in any other way confidential.
4.1.5 Intellectual property
Intellectual property such as know-how, methodology, concepts and ideas are important to Techni AS success in the market. If you are involved with the group's intellectual property you shall protect and administer it in the interest of the group. You shall also respect the intellectual property rights of others and seek to avoid contravention of such rights. Unless otherwise specified by law or orders from public authorities, you shall not make corporate secrets or other important information available to unauthorized persons before obtaining a signed confidentiality agreement from each of those persons.
4.1.6 Property and assets
Techni AS property and assets, e.g. buildings and equipment, shall be managed and safeguarded in an appropriate manner. You shall observe the group's security requirements concerning access to and use of the group's facilities, IT resources and access to electronic resources and documents. The group's equipment and property may only be used for personal purposes if agreed in connection with the employment or as a result of Techni AS rules and guidelines.
4.1.7 Nature and the environment
Techni AS shall be a pioneer regarding environmental protection, by minimizing environmental damage and by developing, promoting and utilizing environmentally friendly technology. You shall bear in mind the environmental effects work-related activities have on nature and the environment and shall choose environmentally friendly solutions as far as this is possible.
4.1.8 Information, communication and contact with the media
All information from Techni AS shall be reliable and correct, and maintain high professional and ethical standards. All of those who, through their work, deal with information are responsible for meeting these standards. Communication with the media, the public and the financial markets shall take place in accordance with established guidelines and routines and satisfy the regulations and practice applicable to publicly listed companies.
4.1.9 Expertise and authority
All decisions shall be made at the appropriate level in accordance with the applicable regulations concerning authority. You may only obligate a company vis-à-vis others if you hold such special authority, and you must at all times keep within the limits of your authority.
4.1.10 Accounting and reporting
Techni AS accounting shall ensure that all transactions are correctly registered in accordance with Norwegian law and good accounting practice. You shall follow the group's regulations concerning the registration of transactions and proper documentation and you share a responsibility for ensuring that business transactions are fully and correctly reported and documented, and in accordance with applicable accounting practices. The annual accounts, interim accounts and other forms of financial reporting shall be in accordance with the law and good accounting practice.
4.1.11 Internal Control
Techni AS shall have good internal control systems that ensure that the group's goals and strategies are fulfilled and complied with. Internal controls shall ensure that the business processes are at all times efficient and carry an acceptable level of risk, that physical and intangible assets are safeguarded and utilized, that financial information is correct and timely, and that laws, regulations and guidelines are followed. Internal controls are the responsibility of the management, but the individual employees also share this responsibility.
4.2 Relations with customers, suppliers, competitors and public authorities
Customers shall be met with insight, respect and understanding. You shall always try to fulfill the needs of the customer in the best possible manner, within the guidelines for corporate ethics that apply to the business. Customer's personal information shall be protected in accordance with the relevant laws on protection of personal data.
Suppliers shall be treated impartially and justly. Suppliers in competition for contracts with Techni AS shall at all times are able to trust Techni AS selection processes. When selecting suppliers you shall therefore follow the group's established guidelines and routines at all times.
Techni AS competitiveness in the market is based on good products and services at the right price. You shall always meet the group's competitors in an honest and professional manner.
4.3 Public authorities shall be met in an appropriate and open manner. Public information about the group shall only be supplied by Techni AS management or the person responsible for public communications, unless otherwise agreed.
4.3.1 Competition
Techni AS wants fair and open competition in all markets, both nationally and internationally. Under no circumstances shall you cause or be part of any breach of general or special competition regulations, such as illegal cooperation on pricing, illegal market sharing or any other behaviour that is in breach of relevant competition laws.
4.3.2 Corruption and bribery
Techni AS is firmly opposed to all forms of corruption. You shall never
offer or accept illegal or inappropriate monetary gifts or other remuneration in order to achieve business or personal advantages for yourself or others. Nor shall you use agreements with middle men to channel payment to anyone in such a way that may be interpreted as corruption.
4.3.3 Gifts and business courtesies
You shall always exercise caution in relation to offering or accepting gifts and business courtesies. You shall not accept gifts or other remuneration if there is reason to believe that its purpose is to influence business decisions. If in doubt, always consult your immediate superior.
4.3.4 Money laundering
Techni AS is firmly opposed to all forms of money laundering and shall take steps to prevent its financial transactions from being used by others to launder money.
4.4 Relations to employees’ private interests and actions
As an employee of Techni AS you shall not hold another position or carry out work for others during working hours without prior express written permission from your superior.
4.4.1 Duty, positions and ownership of external business
Engagements in external duties and positions are positive, but their scope or type must not affect your working relationship with Techni AS or come into conflict with Techni AS business interests. Board duties, consultancy for or ownership of customers', suppliers', joint-venture partners' or competitors' businesses as well as duties and positions of a scope or nature that can affect your working relationship with Techni AS shall be expressly agreed in writing in advance by your immediate superior.
4.4.2 Political activity
Techni AS does not give support to political parties, either in the form of direct financial support or paid working time. Employees who take part in political activities will be granted leave from their work in accordance with the law and any agreements.
4.5 Reporting
Should you become aware of an infringement of Techni AS rules and guidelines, you should raise this issue with your immediate superior.
Techni AS does not allow reprisals of any kind against those who, in good faith, report an infringement or suspicion of an infringement of the rules or guidelines.
4.6 Memberships
Techni is also member of FS (Norwegian defense and security directory), and are working after ASD (Aerospace and Defence Industries association of Europe). Common Industry Standards, which contain information about how to prevent corruption and ethical trade.
5.0 Revision History